Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Recipe: Cardamon Carrots

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:5th St NE,Rochester,United States

I'm hoping to get some more recipes up on my page, for now I'm trying to post some of the recipes I've been making lately. I made these a few days ago and the cardamom really complimented the carrots. Equah and I are trying to eat healthier so I'm trying to amass a collection of good, healthy vegetable recipes. (We qre getting sick of reheated freezer veggies.) This one has a little fat to flavor them, but once you portion it out, it isn't too much. The carrots and butter I used are from local farms.

6 lbs carrots, sliced
1 Tbs butter
1 tsp cardamom, ground (I used seeds, but I think ground will be better)
1/2 tsp salt

Put the carrots in oven safe baking dish, spread the butter over them. Sprinkle seasonings over carrots. Mix a bit to distribute seasonings. Bake at 350 until carrots are tender.


  1. I just discovered your blog. I really like all your soaps. I haven't made any yet. One more thing I need to add to the list to keep from shopping at the big box stores.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh me too, I'm jutting to adjust my lifestyle, and reaping the rewards for it. I need to Dow. New years resolution list sometime soon! Glad you enjoy the posts!
